PLAYING: Between 11:30pm-Midnight A satirical animation based on the idea of toxic masculinity and its sources. An unhealthy competition — the American pastime. The destruction of people and earth for oil. The name of war, nationalism and greed. Directed by Michelle...

Maureen and the Ice Queen

PLAYING: Between 11:30pm-Midnight A young girl discovers there’s more to her favorite food than meets the eye. Rate This Film All 2017 Films Back to Schedule Please follow and like...

Fish Story

PLAYING: Between 11:30pm-Midnight A search for the truth behind a fishy tale. Director Biography   Charlie Lyne is a filmmaker and film critic, best known for the feature-length essay films Beyond Clueless (2014) and Fear Itself (2015) as well as a number of...


PLAYING: Between 11:30-12:00AM Love is something complicated and hard to comprehend at times. Multiple layers make up a fully functional heart. Life can break a healthy heart, but time can mend it back together. Director Biography   Sierra is an alumni from...


PLAYING: Between 11:30pm-12:00AM A young girl gets into trouble after meddling with her grandmother’s potion and setting off an explosion. When an angry mob discovers their secluded house in the woods, she must use what she’s learned to save them. Director...

A share of share

PLAYING: Between 10:00-10:30 In a tent of refugee camp, man of the family protests to the problem that happened for their food’s share Rate This Film All 2017 Films Back to Schedule Please follow and like...